Blade Art Offline
A downloadable BladeArtOffline for Windows
Blade Art Offline is a free fangame! We claim no copyright to any character or reference in the game. If you like the work we do, please consider supporting us by following us on social media, or donating to help us grow as developers! No money is required to download Blade Art Offline, nor will it be used to develop Blade Art Offline.

Install Instructions
This game requires VS 2019 redistributables installed to work. Click Here to go to the official Microsoft Page
Right-click Blade Art, and extract here. If you are having issues with extracting the files, try 7zip, a free alternative to Winrar. For Fightsticks or Gamepads that doesn't work automatically, run the game through Steam as a non-Steam game.
To update, download the new zip and delete the old version. Do not install over the previous version.
Click download now to get access to the following files: